Running in St Barts '

Running in St Barts

Feb 27, 2017

There are several options for running and jogging in St Barth.

First, the territorial stadium in St Jean, located not far from the firehouse behind the gas station in Saint Jean, is open daily as of 6:00am. It’s an ideal place to run or jog in perfect safety on a Tartan track.

For those who don’t like running in circles and prefer sweating on the island’s roads, try these spots to get started: the long, flat stretch from Grand Fond to Toiny, which provides a great way to enjoy the magnificent, unspoiled landscape on the “wild” coast and the fresh air of the ocean. Or try the Route de Saline, also rather flat, as far as the beach, in a beautiful natural environment. Be careful when running, as these roads don’t get a lot of traffic, but you are sharing them with cars and trucks that always present a danger, especially at dusk, when it is important to have a light or reflectors. If you have more experience, try running up and down the famous steep hills of St Barth, especially in the neighborhoods where there are sidewalks, such as the road that goes from Saline to Grand Fond. Without sidewalks, running

and jogging are much more dangerous.

A word of advice: make sure to wear proper running shoes, as the concrete doesn’t make it any easier for your joints or your back.

For a softer surface, running on the sand may be more difficult but it has numerous benefits. The best beaches for running are Saline and Flamands, which are long, and wide enough not to bother anyone, especially early in the morning. You can also walk out to Colombier from Flamands and take advantage of the beautiful beach to get some exercise. The small beach in St Jean is also a nice place to run and the sand is harder close to the water.

There are other options such as hotel fitness rooms, Form Fitness, Ultimate Center, and Le Studio, where you can take advantage of the advice provided by a personal trainer. Or you can rent a treadmill at the Wellness Shop, which will deliver it directly to your villa. Once it is set up, all you have to do is run at your own speed while looking out at the ocean. This is a great option, as all you have to do after working up a sweat is take a refreshing dive into the swimming pool to cool off.    


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